We all want bright, healthy skin, but it can be hard to know where to start. With hundreds of creams and serums on the market, how do you know which products are most important? Furthermore, are there any simple lifestyle changes you should be implementing to improve your complexion?

These questions can leave you overwhelmed, but the good news is skincare doesn’t need to be complicated. Check out these simple skincare hacks that are great for all ages and faces.

  1. Change Your Pillowcase

If you suffer from acne, you’ve probably tried everything to clear your breakouts. If even prescription acne treatments aren’t working, dirty pillow cases may be a surprising culprit.

Pillowcases collect dirt, bacteria, and skin oils. If they aren’t cleaned regularly, they can clog your pores, even if you go to bed with a clean face. To avoid pillowcase pimples, experts recommend changing your pillowcase every three days.

  1. Understand Your Skin Type

From fine lines to blackheads, we all have skin conditions we’d like to treat. However, choosing the wrong routine may leave your skin in worse shape. For example, if you have acne-prone skin and use oil-based moisturizers, you may get more breakouts.

To understand your skin type, first, consider what (if any) skin conditions you face. Next, determine whether you have normal, dry, oily, combination, or sensitive skin. Once you’ve identified the skin conditions you’d like to treat and your skin type, you’ll be better equipped to create the right routine for yourself.

  1. Wear Sunscreen

When you’re in your teens and twenties, it’s easy to forget that your crease-free skin has a time limit. But unprotected exposure to the sun can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. To keep your youthful glow, it’s important to always wear sunscreen before going outside.

When choosing sunscreen, make sure it has an SPF of 30 or higher. The higher your SPF, the more protection you get from the sun’s harmful rays. Also, check to see if your face moisturizer already has SPF. Many skincare products are created with sun protection in mind, helping you simplify your morning routine.

  1. Rely on More Than Water for Hydration

Beauty gurus have been touting the benefits of water consumption for years. Some even go as far as drinking a gallon a day (which is far more than most people need). While drinking water has many health benefits, there’s little research showing that water alone will impact your skin. Fortunately, there are several topical changes you can make to improve your skin’s hydration.

First and foremost, make sure you’re using a gentle cleanser opposed to soap. Not only does regular bath soap dry out your face, but it can irritate your skin, worsening conditions like acne. Additionally, steer clear of products containing alcohol. Like hand soap, alcohol can strip your skin of its natural moisture.

  1. Throw Out Expired Products

Makeup is expensive. With some foundations costing nearly $50, it’s no wonder people don’t like to throw out old products. However, hanging onto expired makeup can put you at risk for acne breakouts and skin infections.

Old cosmetics begin to build up bacteria over time. Anyone with acne knows bacteria is your skin’s worst nightmare. Furthermore, outdated eye products like mascara and eyeliner can irritate the delicate skin around your eyes, making them appear swollen. So when in doubt, throw it out.

  1. Incorporate a Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serums have been gaining popularity in the beauty space, and for good reason. This beauty product is safe for all skin types and offers a myriad of benefits. From brightening your face to reducing fine lines, this simple skincare addition is great for people of all ages.

Like most skincare products, not all vitamin C serums are created equal. Look for serums with concentration levels between 10% and 20%. Studies show that going over 20% can irritate the skin, but products with concentrations lower than 8% will be less effective.

  1. Exfoliate Regularly

Our skin constantly sheds dead cells, creating a new layer every 28 days. However, that process starts to slow down as we age. This can leave skin looking dull and dry. To help combat this, you should exfoliate your face a few times a week.

Different skin types require different exfoliants, so make sure you choose the right one for your skin. Since oily skin has an extra layer of buildup on the service, it benefits from a physical exfoliation device. Such devices are too harsh for dry skin, however. People with skin on the dryer side should look for an exfoliant that also provides hydration, like a moisturizing scrub.

  1. Ditch Your Makeup

If you’re used to wearing makeup daily, leaving your skin bare may feel intimidating. However, it could be the key to a more glowing look. Since makeup sits on top of your skin, it can clog your pores, leading to breakouts. Additionally, many powders and foundations accentuate wrinkles, making your skin appear less youthful.

Not comfortable kicking makeup entirely to the curb? That’s OK. Try swapping out a few items for more skin-friendly products, like a tinted moisturizer instead of heavy foundation.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to feeling and looking your best (that’s why it’s called beauty sleep). Research shows that just one night of bad sleep can cause under-eye circles, fine lines, and paler skin. That’s because sleep is your body’s chance to repair itself. While you’re snoozing, your skin’s blood flow increases and repairs the damage caused by UV exposure. So if you’re not sleeping well, your body doesn’t get the chance to give your skin the TLC it needs.

If you’re having trouble getting or staying asleep, try incorporating some more physical movement in your day. Exercise is shown to promote better rest. If you’re unable to exercise, spending time outdoors may also help.

  1. Supplement With Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids, essential nutrients found in foods like fatty fish and flaxseed, are full of powerful health benefits. EPA (one of several omega-3s) guards your skin from sun damage by fighting substances that erode your skin’s natural collagen. This can help combat the fine lines and wrinkles that come with sun exposure.

If you don’t consume much fish or many seeds, getting enough omega-3s in your diet can be hard. In that case, it can be helpful to take a supplement each morning to protect your skin’s youthful glow.

Skincare doesn’t need to feel overwhelming. By following the 10 tips above, you can have beautiful, healthy skin at any age.


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